Week 11

This past week has truly been a whirlwind, and now I get to reward myself with a relaxing spring break away from all the stresses of school and edTPA! Week 4 in high school has been especially significant for two reasons: 1) I SUBMITTED MY EDTPA, and 2) It was my first real week of full time teaching! The edTPA has been haunting me since January, and months later, it's so refreshing to see all of that hard work, time, and effort come full circle. Of course, I won't find out my score until later, but it's the biggest relief to just be done and focus more on student teaching and preparing my unit plan for The Catcher in the Rye. Then, actually, one of my goals this week was to start teaching without my cooperating teacher in the classroom. On Tuesday, I felt a little bit thrown off when my cooperating teacher told me, "You know what? Why don't you take class today?" I felt unprepared and tired, but I know that it was something I needed....